The ES lifter is an ideal for industries such as:
- HVAC and Air Conditioning
- Electrical Contracting
- Steel Frame erection
- Shop fitting
- Facilities Maintenance
- Industrial Maintenance
- Construction
Key Features Heavy Duty Material Lifters:
- Folds quickly and easily to dramatically reduce transportation size.
- The ES family comes with a range of swappable fittings for handling different types of loads.
- A built-in level and adjustable legs help ensure the load is level for safe operation.
- The ES family can lift to a range of heights depending on the model and can lift up to 300kg.
- The ES comes with an Electric Winch.
- Robust and durable mast.
- Safety anti-fall system in mast
- Steel cable and pulleys are covered for safety
- Highly manoeuverable on site.
- Level to assist operator with stable setup.
- Limit switches on mast.